Our lab has multiple projects in operation currently! If you would like to get involved, you can join our projects: 

Ongoing research: Persistence and Conventions in Children

In this research study, we are hoping to learn more about how young children can keep working (i.e., persevere) on tasks that require self-control. We are looking for families with children between the ages of 6 and 9 years of age. 

If your child participates in this study, an adult will teach them a series of hand and body movements. Children will then be asked to complete a working task on a computer, with the opportunity to take breaks.

This study takes up to one hour and will take place in our lab space at Bryn Mawr College or online. If your child participates in this study, you will receive a $10 Amazon gift card as a thank you!

If you’d like to sign your child up for this study, please fill out this survey https://forms.office.com/r/dXyPgghJHr or email esclab@brynmawr.edu. If you have any additional questions, please also feel free to contact our principal investigator (email: aorvell@brynmawr.edu).